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Pabst Colorado Pond Hockey - Blue Collar Work

This year's February tournament marked the 11th consecutive year of hosting teams from across the United States in the colorful Town of Silverthorne. We broke all sorts of personal bests this year from record number attendance, to the overall good vibes and positive feedback we've received from our players. We couldn't have been more thrilled with the outcome! It takes a lot of work to make this tournament happen, and believe us, when people show up and have a great time... that's what makes putting this tournament together completely worth it!

Thank You Players!

- We first want to thank everyone who attended and brought this tournament to life! Your presence during our three day event was one that we had been looking forward to all year, but especially as the days leading up to the event quickly approached. Our Pabst family is incredible, THANK YOU SO MUCH! We hope you choose to return each year, looking forward to this event with as much joy as we do. We wouldn't want to do this for any other crowed.

Thank You To Our Blue Collar Staff!

- The staff this year, was second to none and we want to give them a huge shout out as well. Our staff did the inglorious work, that is vital to making this tournament happen. It all started two weeks prior to the event. Staff members worked and practically lived at North Pond Park clearing ice and piecing together the venue, working long hours in freezing cold and blizzard weather conditions. From personal experience, the snow shovel became our best friend and worst nightmare. We were hit with blizzard weather conditions, where snow continuously dumped for four days strait. Our days were routine, getting to the ice at 7 am and working throughout the day to hold off snow levels from gathering too thick in the venue but more importantly on the ice! Too much snow can crack ice under the immense weight it often carries. Most long days ended around 2 am, where we retired to our cozy home for the remainder of the night. However, when the conditions were right, we took the opportunity to give the ice our full attention. Multiple nights were spent flooding the ice until the sun came up, in preparation for the best quality of ice we could provide for the tournament. Working the Pabst Colorado Pond Hockey Tournament is not easy. It takes a certain type of person, with specific levels of grit and determination to create the three days of fun that most people only get to experience. If you see a staff member next year, be sure to thank them for all the work they do, it means the world to us!

Huge Shout Out To Our Partners!

- Money doesn't grow on trees and we certainly couldn't do this tournament without the help of our amazing partners! We want to thank TAG Insurance Services and Auto-Owners Insurance for continually working with us year after year! They are the one's responsible for the incredible merchandise we are able to provide our players, specifically this year's team and players only hats! We are strong believers that the details matter. Name another tournament you attend where each team gets hooked up with sweet merchandise and a 12-pack of beer. As focused as we are on the details of this tournament, we see the work that both TAG Insurance Services and Auto-Owners Insurance put into their own business. That's why the Pabst Colorado Pond Hockey Tournament is a proud partner to both of these businesses respectfully. If you get the chance, check them out and find out all the ways they can add value to you!

Again, thank you so much for all your hard work and congratulations to our champions this year! We hope to see you at next year's tournament!


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Town of Silverthorne, Pabst Colorado Pond Hockey Tournament
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